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Understanding Vision Changes with Age: Tips for Maintaining Healthy Eyesight as You Grow Older

As we get older, our eyes go through a gradual process of change. The lenses in our eyes become less flexible, making it harder to focus on close-up objects. The pupils also become smaller, allowing less light to enter the eye, which can make it more difficult to see in low-light conditions. Additionally, the cornea and lens can become cloudier, a condition known as cataracts, leading to blurred vision and increased sensitivity to glare.

The Importance of Eye Exams: Why Regular Checkups Are Essential for Maintaining Healthy Vision

When it comes to maintaining healthy vision, regular eye exams are of utmost importance. An eye exam is not just about checking your eyesight; it is a comprehensive evaluation of your ocular health. During an eye exam, an optometrist will thoroughly examine your eyes, looking for signs of any potential issues or conditions that may affect your vision.

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